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Best Foods To Boost Your Brain And Memory

Healthy Foods To Boost Your Brainpower The brain is a large organ consuming 20% of the body's calories and thus requires plenty of oxygen to keep concentration the whole day long. Those nutrients continue to stay balanced in the brain as well. Fatty acids such as Omega-3 help build and rebuild cells of the brain, and antioxidants reduce cell stress and inflammation related to brain aging and neurodegenerative abnormalities such as Alzheimer's disease. As the bodies control system, it is responsible for keeping the heart beating and breathing your lungs, and helping you to move, smell, and think. The foods you consume are important in keeping your brain balanced and can enhance basic mental activities like memory and attention. Eggs Eggs are a great source of many brain-related nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline is an essential micronutrient used by your body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which h

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Snacks for Kids

Children are considered to be picky eaters, and it is a challenging job to make them eat healthy and allow them to stay active. Kids develop a natural affinity for food they love the most. 

The task, though, is to appeal to healthy choices. Regardless of your intentions, it will always be difficult for you to try to convince your kid that fruit is as sweet as blueberries.

Snack time will be a great way to add essential nutrients to the diet of your child. Fill the tummy with whole foods that will have energy and nutrition instead of highly processed snack foods.

Here is an overview of nutritious and delicious child-friendly snacks.

Veggies pita pocket

Some parents think it's difficult to eat vegetables for their kids. But they are more likely to try the vegetables if they make it fun for them.

Lay some hummus and sliced raw vegetables, such as carrots, cucumber, beans, and bell peppers, into a wheat pita pocket. Pick up some veggies and fill the pita with your kids.

  • Pita pocket bread
  • lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Red onion
  • black paper
  • Olives
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dressing/mustard
  • Cut 2 halves of pita bread.
  • Toast a few seconds on the saucepan.
  • Open the pockets
  • Spread Mayo in pocket.
  • Stuffed with lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, olives, onion, in each pocket.
  • Drizzle required amount of mustard or dressing on top.
Enjoy the snacks!

Veggies are full of vitamins and minerals, and many children do not eat sufficiently

Celery with peanut butter and raisins for kids or ants on a log

Let the children prepare a delicious little activity, including vegetable and fruit, as well as good protein from the nut.

Slice a celery stalk into three or four parts, place peanut butter inside of the celery, and put a few raisins over the peanut butter.

These three blended foods have an outstanding combination of grains, protein, and fat.

Buy peanut butter without adding sugar or vegetable oils just make sure.

Fruit Smoothie

A healthy breakfast provides an excellent start to your day. This gives you the strength to start throughout the day. In summer, worldwide people try ways to combine flavor with healthy food and get relief from the heat of the sparkle. With daily smoothies with breakfast, good health and fun can definitely be enjoyed in the hot months.

You may incorporate veggies to a smoothie too. With the fruit's sweetness, your child may not even know they 're in there.

Using fresh, whole ingredients and skip fruit juice that is rich in sugar.

Raisin snack packs

Raisins are grapes that have been dried up. Nearly all of the nutrients in fresh grapes are there – but come in a smaller volume. There is excellent iron in a raisin that is necessary for the growth, energy, and oxygen. The raisin carbohydrates provide low-fat power. Grapefruits are a healthier choice for chocolate and candy that children usually prefer to eat. The raisins are available in different colors, sizes, and flavors. To tempt them, you can give a variety of raisins in different colors. Raisin snack packs are simpler to pick up and eat than other processed foods. You can start feeding them raisins as soon as a child is able to eat finger foods that usually occur when a child is between 8 and 9 months old.

You can cut the dried fruit in the beginning and offer the child little pieces of raisin. You can break clumps of raisins and give the kid in the bowl one at a time to eat.


Yogurt is a great children's snack because it is a great source of calcium and protein. Calcium is particularly essential to growing children's bones.

There are also live bacteria in some yogurts which support the digestive system.

The majority of yogurts marketed for children are high in sugar. Instead, pick regular, fat yogurt and add fresh fruit or a sprinkling of sweetening mixed mush.

But don't give honey to children under the age of 12 months because they are more likely to develop a serious infection, botulism

Boiled- eggs

For quick, high protein nutrition keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge.

Eggs are healthful and a great children's snack. The proteins, some minerals and vitamins, including vitamin B12, riboflavin, and selenium, are of high quality.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that improve eye health, are also included.

In addition, they are one of the best choline food sources, a vitamin that is required for good brain development.


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