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Best Foods To Boost Your Brain And Memory

Healthy Foods To Boost Your Brainpower The brain is a large organ consuming 20% of the body's calories and thus requires plenty of oxygen to keep concentration the whole day long. Those nutrients continue to stay balanced in the brain as well. Fatty acids such as Omega-3 help build and rebuild cells of the brain, and antioxidants reduce cell stress and inflammation related to brain aging and neurodegenerative abnormalities such as Alzheimer's disease. As the bodies control system, it is responsible for keeping the heart beating and breathing your lungs, and helping you to move, smell, and think. The foods you consume are important in keeping your brain balanced and can enhance basic mental activities like memory and attention. Eggs Eggs are a great source of many brain-related nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline is an essential micronutrient used by your body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which h

Healthy foods that help to lower your blood pressure

Healthy Diet for High Blood Pressure

Most people don't even realize how much calories they eat and drink daily. They can underestimate their eating and wonder why they can not lose weight.

Drugs, dietary improvements, and other lifestyle changes may minimize high blood pressure while reducing the possibility of related disorders. Getting high blood pressure enhances the risk of heart disease,  kidney disease, and stroke a person may experience.

Approximate 75 million People suffer from high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many contributing factors for high blood pressure, such as gender, family history, age, and ethnicity, are out of your control. Yet it also has aspects that you should regulate, such as exercise and diet.
Changing the diet can actually lower hypertension. Study has shown that such foods can reduce blood pressure, both rapidly and in the longer term.

1. Bananas 

Bananas contain lots of potassium, a mineral that plays a vital role in hypertension control. One variable-sized banana has around 422 milligrams of potassium in it.

Potassium decreases the impact of sodium and alleviates stress in the walls of the arteries according to the American Heart Association. Slice a banana over a potassium-rich supplement onto your breakfast or oatmeal. You may also take one for an easy breakfast, also with a boiled egg.

2. Red Beets

Beets have a significant nitric oxide level, which can help expand the blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Researchers have shown that the nitrates in beetroot juice decreased blood pressure in only 24 hours for research participants.

Every day, it will help to drink a glass of beet juice, incorporate beets to salads or cook the veggies as a nutritious side dish.
You can either juice your own beets, or just cook and consume the whole root. Beetroot is good for stir-fries and stews, whether roasted or cooked. We can even be bake cookies.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon includes an amino acid called citrulline, that may better treat hypertension.

Citrulline makes the body generate nitric oxide, a gas that relieves blood vessels and improves arterial flexibility. Such results improve blood pressure, and may reduce hypertension.

Studies have also shown that animals with a watermelon rich diet have a greater cardiac function.
To increase the consumption of watermelon, add the fruit to the salads and smoothies, or drink it in a cold soup of watermelon.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal fits the bill to reduce your blood pressure by a high-fiber, low-fat and low-sodium way. Eating breakfast oatmeal is a perfect way to start warming up for the day.

Overnight oats are a common choice for breakfasts. Soak 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1⁄2 cup of almond milk in a pan to make them. Mix in and add fruit, granola, and cinnamon.
A study concluded that higher beta-glucan fiber intake can decrease both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Barley includes the fiber as well.

5. Garlic

Garlic is a healthy food and is both antibiotic and antifungal. The main active component, allicin, is also liable for the health benefits associated with it.

Some research shows that garlic improves nitric oxide content in the body, which helps stimulate the smooth muscles and dilate the blood vessels. Hypertension may be reduced by these improvements.
Garlic will improve several tasty dishes, including stir-fries, soups, and omelets. Use garlic rather than salt may help improve cardiac protection.

6. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are a good fruit that you should savor as a juice or raw. One research found that drinking a cup of pomegranate juice for four weeks once a day helped to reduce blood pressure in the short term.

Although you can appreciate pomegranates whole, some people choose the juice. While purchasing pre-packaged pomegranate juice, check that no added sugar is present.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a good example of good fat. It includes polyphenols, which are substances that fight against inflammation and may help to reduce blood pressure.

As part of the diet, olive oil may help you reach your two to three regular servings of fat. It's also a perfect substitute for dressing up canola oil, butter or commercial salads. 

8. Dark Chocolate

This delicious treatment could bring down blood pressure. An analysis of 15 studies shows that cocoa-rich chocolate in humans with hypertension or prehypertension lowers blood pressure.

Select high-quality chocolate that includes at least 70 percent of cocoa and eat a single slice, or one portion that weighs around 1 ounce a day.


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