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Best Foods To Boost Your Brain And Memory

Healthy Foods To Boost Your Brainpower The brain is a large organ consuming 20% of the body's calories and thus requires plenty of oxygen to keep concentration the whole day long. Those nutrients continue to stay balanced in the brain as well. Fatty acids such as Omega-3 help build and rebuild cells of the brain, and antioxidants reduce cell stress and inflammation related to brain aging and neurodegenerative abnormalities such as Alzheimer's disease. As the bodies control system, it is responsible for keeping the heart beating and breathing your lungs, and helping you to move, smell, and think. The foods you consume are important in keeping your brain balanced and can enhance basic mental activities like memory and attention. Eggs Eggs are a great source of many brain-related nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline is an essential micronutrient used by your body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which h...

Diet plan for Hyperthyroidism: Food to eat and avoid

Diet plan for Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid inside the throat is a small butterfly-shaped gland. Having hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, may slow metabolism, increase weight, and cause tiredness.

Hypothyroidism arises because there are very low levels of all thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Although modifying your diet alone is not enough to regain normal levels of thyroid hormones, avoiding some foods and feeding more can increase the absorption of these hormones by your body.
Food to Avoid:

A slow metabolism comes with several health risks. It will make you drained, increase cholesterol rates in your blood and make it harder for you to lose the weight. As you control hypothyroidism, here are several foods to minimize or avoid:

Studies show that soybeans and soy-rich foods contain phytoestrogens that can inhibit the action of an enzyme that produces thyroid hormones. There are lots of reasons to remove soy from your diet, beginning with the harmful impact soy may have on your thyroid gland. Soy foods such as tofu, edamame, and soybeans produce isoflavones, which are compounds that function as goitrogens in your body and prevent thyroid hormone formation.

Raw Cruciferous Vegetables
Foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach and cabbage are valued for their many protective properties for health. And if you suffer from any form of thyroid condition, going overboard on your cruciferous vegetables may not be the best option. Raw cruciferous veggies emit goitrogens, which are substances that harm the thyroid gland and make iodine more needed.  
Keep intake low and cook your greens for better outcomes, instead of eating them raw to reap the nutritious benefits while also maintaining thyroid health.

In most of the Western diet, gluten is present in abundance. Hypothyroidism can have connections to an underlying autoimmune disease, which may result in patients at higher risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, like celiac disease.
This suggests that some people need to avoid gluten altogether in order to preserve thyroid function.

Green Tea
Green tea may be a perfect addition to a healthy, well-rounded diet, in moderation. Moreover, some animal studies suggest that green tea extract ingested in large quantities may potentially change thyroid function and throw out of whack the hormone levels.
Keep to one to two cups a day to get in those extra nutrients and antioxidants without harming your thyroid healthy. 

Processed foods
A person should prevent processed foods that appear to be heavy in calories and have little health benefit. These kinds of foods also raise weight gain.
Processed product sources include such as fast food, hot dogs, donuts pancakes and cookies.

Food to eat:

Many diets will help maintain the thyroid healthy, and reduce most of this condition's harmful effects. To balance thyroid function some minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients are needed.
Mineral iodine plays a key function in producing thyroid hormones. A diet low in iodine tends to suppress thyroid hormones. Complete your normal diet with these foods:

Low iodine foods
If a person wants to be treated for hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine, their doctor may tell them to follow a low iodine diet. Foods and drinks low in iodine consist:
  • Non-iodized salt.
  • Tea and black coffee.
  • Herbs spices and vegetables.
  • Vegetable oils and fruit juices.
  • Sugar, jam, jelly, and honey, unsalted nuts and butter.
  • Soda and lemonade, beer.
  • Small portions of beef, chicken, pork, veal and lamb.
Cruciferous vegetables
Many cruciferous vegetables include compounds that reduce the production of thyroid hormone and can limit thyroid absorption of iodine. A person with hyperthyroidism may consider any of these effects helpful. Such cruciferous vegetables include:
  • Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage
  • broccoli and broccoli rabe
  • Collard greens, mustard greens
  • Turnip roots and greens
  • Radishes

Calcium and vitamin D
Hyperthyroidism causes the bones to become weak and brittle. Treatment can restore bone mass. It requires vitamin D and calcium to develop strong bones.  Food rich in calcium includes:
  • Calcium fortifies oats 
  • Calcium-fortified orange juices 
  • Mushrooms and spinach 
  • Kale and okra
  • Almond milk
    Iron-rich foods
Iron is a mineral that has many essential functions, the primary role is to carry oxygen as part of the red blood cells in the body.
Iron is an important resource for normal body processes including thyroid protection. Iron helps the red blood cells transfer oxygen to other body cells. Researchers also related low iron levels to hyperthyroidism. 
Food rich in iron included: 
  • Spinach, raisins 
  • White beans and black beans 
  • Legumes and Pumpkin seeds 
  • Chicken, beef, red meat and shellfish

Selenium-rich foods
Selenium is a micronutrient that the body requires for the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Research suggests that selenium can help improve some of the symptoms of autoimmune thyroid disease, such as thyroid eye disease.
Those taking selenium supplements can meet normal thyroid levels earlier than those not taking them. Selenium may help to prevent cell harm and make your thyroid and other tissues healthier.
Goods foods rich in selenium include:
  • Chia seed and sunflower seeds
  • Mushroom and spinach
  • Chicken, eggs, beef, and turkey
  • Fortified cereals
  • Baked beans


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