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Best Foods To Boost Your Brain And Memory

Healthy Foods To Boost Your Brainpower The brain is a large organ consuming 20% of the body's calories and thus requires plenty of oxygen to keep concentration the whole day long. Those nutrients continue to stay balanced in the brain as well. Fatty acids such as Omega-3 help build and rebuild cells of the brain, and antioxidants reduce cell stress and inflammation related to brain aging and neurodegenerative abnormalities such as Alzheimer's disease. As the bodies control system, it is responsible for keeping the heart beating and breathing your lungs, and helping you to move, smell, and think. The foods you consume are important in keeping your brain balanced and can enhance basic mental activities like memory and attention. Eggs Eggs are a great source of many brain-related nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline is an essential micronutrient used by your body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which h

Ten Amazing things that you don't know about your own body

Ten Amazing Health Facts you should know

When it comes to health and nutrition there's so much knowledge available that it may be difficult to understand all the facts. Such top ideas and interesting health facts give you information to help you fit to fight.

Such health facts include a variety of topics and give you awareness and ideas into how you can properly take care of yourself and health details around the world.

  • Coffee can prevent depression

Scientific research on the caffeine-depression connection have also shown that caffeine may reduce the prevalence of depression. The research also showed tea to be less defensive than coffee but to some point also effective in reducing the risk of depression.
We find out a lot of the harmful health effects of caffeine but it turns out that caffeine still has some positive points.  Health study showed that people who drank at least four cups of coffee a day will reduce their risk of depression by 20 percent. Previous studies also showed people taking multiple cups a day were less likely to commit suicide.

  • Sugar is bad as cigarettes

It is difficult to avoid sugar, as there is sugar everywhere. Whereas a cigarette and tobacco are easier to avoid.  products contain sugar, such as coca-cola, chocolate, gum, cookies, cake, jelly, and cereals. according to the Study, Sugar is as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco, and should also be monitored to control intake.
Although sugar doesn't have that stigma attached to it as cigarettes, it may be as bad for you as burning up a cigarette, the fact is indulging in sweet treat or cake.

  •  Chewing gum can boost your brainpower

The chewing process stimulates blood to circulate to the brain, the researchers say, where it increases memory, based on how quickly a test-taker may remember facts in the laboratory. The impact only lasted a few minutes, but researchers think that chewing gum might provide a benefit to the students in several respects before a test.
Researchers have discovered that chewing mint-flavored gum may significantly minimize feelings of tiredness. Meanwhile, different study findings have shown that 35 per percent of chewing gum will increase test results and boost memory.

  • ATM machines are as dirty as public toilets

After taking money out of an ATM machine, some of us will wash our hands; but, UK cleanliness reports have shown that cash machines are almost as dirty as public washrooms.
Taking money from a cash machine is something we may do on a daily basis, but how many of us actually give our hands a wash after using it? Cleanliness experiments conducted in Britain also considered ATM machines as dirty as public toilets. Specialists tested swabs from the ATM machine keyboards and public bathrooms and found that all samples included the same microbes that were known to cause illness.

  • Smell An Apple To Prevent Claustrophobia

An apple a day will do more than keep the doctor away, and claustrophobia may also improve. According to reports from the Smell and Taste Care and Study Base, apparently tasting a green apple can relieve the discomfort associated with confined spaces.
Smelling a green apple can also reduce headaches and migraines. And it seems like an apple a day may keep away more than the doctor.

  • Sit-up won't give you a flat stomach

Sit-ups won't give you a flat stomach. No matter how solid the abdominals are, here you will actually never see them if they're covered by layers of fat. Unfortunately, sit-ups don't cut down on fat from the tummy - as much as you may like to assume, fatty spot elimination is a misconception.
Sometimes you can't get your belly to pull in through exercise, no matter what you do, even while you're not exercising it doesn't look flat at all. Working hard is stressful, and not getting the flat stomach that you're after.

  • Sitting at a desk can increase the death risk

Office workers look away, as a study showed that office employees sitting at their desks for more than 10 hours a day have a 50% rise in death risk compared to people sitting for less than four hours a day. Try to add five minutes of activity per hour to reduce this health effect, and make sure you take regular breaks away from your job.
Easy changes such as using the stairs rather than the elevator can also create a good impact on your health.

  • A hot drink can you cool down

It may seem harmful, so sip something hot if you want to cool down. According to a report from the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa, when the drink is hotter than your body temperature, it causes a sweat reaction in your body that more than balances the rise
Therefore, although it may immediately make you feel warmer, a hot drink may trigger you to sweat more and the body can cool down faster rapidly.
Therefore, although it can possibly make you feel warmer, you may be triggered by a hot drink to sweat more and the body will cool off.

  • Stretching before running can lower the endurance

Before running, all of us have been advised to warm up, but new research shows that stretching before a run may not be helpful to the workout. You will make sure the post-run schedule includes stretches.
Research reported in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning study showed that exercising before going on a run caused a runner's body less effective and they didn't do as well and mightn't go as far as that. Start warming up with a jog and running-specific motions instead of stretching, to strengthen the joints before moving.

  • If you are an optimist, you might be able to live longer

Heart patients who were more positive about their diagnosis reportedly stayed longer than people who were more negative about their mindsets, according to a report by the Duke University Medical Centre. 
However, according to results from a report presented in the European Heart Review, positive people had less risk of dying from heart failure. optimist has numerous benefits, such as a decrease in stress, increased health and a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease.


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